Low Beckside Farm preserved for education by Ernest Cook Trust

We were very pleased to hear that the Ernest Cook Trust have been successful in their bid to purchase Newton Rigg's Low Beckside Farm, which, as the National Centre for the Uplands, has a key role to play in the future of farming and upland management. The Ernest Cook Trust already has a valuable presence in Cumbria with the Learning from the Land programme at Lowther Castle and Gardens. Their charitable aims align with those of Newton Rigg Ltd and we hope to work closely with them to support the continued use of Low Beckside for education and skills development.

This is a positive step in the movement to rebuild land-based education in Cumbria, which comes as we are in the process of launching our training initiative, starting with high quality, expert-led courses in Horticulture and Advanced Dairy Management and with many more opportunities in the pipeline. More news coming very soon!

We remain optimistic that our community-led ambition to continue land-based education at the Newton Rigg site and Sewborwens Farm will prevail and look forward to sharing more news in the coming weeks.

Read about the Ernest Cook Trust and Low Beckside Farm >


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